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采编:南京家教网   来源:南京家教http://www.nanjingjiajiaow.com    点击:1329    发布日期:2013-06-26 17:59:10

Showing Rhetoric

4.3 Showing Rhetoric  

   What the position of news headline to an article is what the eyes to a man,which is the so-called face-physick and beautiful eyes, beautiful and moving. Good news title can make a piece of news reports more interesting. So the news headline should not only use its briefness to attract people' attention, but also use the various rhetorical skills to grt the reader's interest. It is not the most wonderful news headline which can not cause readers' interest. In the pursuit of rhetorical effection and deep meaning, news headlines and literature English have in common. Therefore, if English news headlines implied meaning to a rhetoric means, such as pun, metaphor, rhyme, etc.,it is not hard for Chinese readers after the news headline is translated to Chinese. Then we should reflect the original rhetorical characteristics as far as possible. and the translator and the rhetoric can reach a deal in the rhetoric. For examlple,

Soccer Kicks off with Violence 

A lot of good news headlines can often  cause the reader's aftertaste by the humor. The puns is the commonly skills to cause humorous effection. The example is a wit nifty title, "kick off" in football terms refers to the central plains "kick-off", but then linked with a word "violence" together ,then make the readers remind a picture immediatly. Based on such an understanding, it is an ideal news headline

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